While a workgroup computer is connected to the internet, it might not be able to reach the time servers configured. The error: “An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time.windows.com. The peer is unreachable.” is displayed.An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time.windows.com. The peer is unreachable.
I’ve found a method to add your local time server to these entries and sync time with a local time server.
Please note: Availability of certain settings can be disabled via distributed Computer policies. These policies are managed by the Computer / Domain administrator.

First you have to start the registry editor with the command regedit.
Navigate to the container: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DateTime\Servers”. In this container add a new entry right clicking in the window. Add a new entry with the next number as name.

Double click the entry and add the IP address of the local time server.

Next go to the control panel and navigate to Internet Time Settings via: “Time & Language”, then “Additional date, time, & regional settings” in bottom part “Related settings”. Open “Date and Time” and then select the third tab named “Internet Time” and click the button “Change settings…”.
Select your local time server and press “Update now”.